Tuesday, August 7, 2012

79 Unique and Awesome Underwater Sculptures

79 Unique and Awesome Underwater Sculptures

Sculptures decorate landscapes, museums, and buildings, but water covers the majority of the Earth’s surface thus making it the world’s largest art gallery. The ocean is filled with mystery and an underwater sculpture park only heightens the intricate secrets hiding beneath the depths. Artificial reefs disguised as sculptures appear different each moment to a diver’s view as sand shifts along the ocean floor, sunlight penetrates at different depths and angles, and turbulent water currents combine in a kaleidoscope effect to delight the senses. Here are 79 unique and awesome underwater sculptures, environmental art, to encourage the natural ecological process. 

Like characters that step off the page of a good book, Jason de Caires Taylor’s underwater sculptures literally come to life. In Grenada, West Indies, 26 life-sized figures await divers to view them in their underwater playground. The Vicissitudes were cast from children with diverse ethnic backgrounds. These underwater kids stand united in a circle, holding hands. The Vicissitudes are both art and an enhancement the environment, inviting marine life to rebuild the reef.
Over time, these artificial reefs attract coral growth which helps support a marine ecosystem. 40% of the coral reefs worldwide are already destroyed, increasing each day as a little more dies. One of the biggest benefits of artificial reefs is that they give natural reefs a chance to heal from the desecration by over fishing, ocean acidification, and mankind’s pollution. As the natural reefs repair and regenerate, these environmental art pieces transform, changing the shape of their environment, as well as changing the habitat for marine life.
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